Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Man.. The LEGEND :) !!!!!

First year in college and the first event to be organized was Futurama… Well as it is we had already started redefining the term lookah by then so I thought might as well participate in organizing the event … you know do something constructive with your life types… And the fact that a certain “someone” was there in the organizing committee DID NOT in any way influence my decision of joining the committee… ;) … YA RIGHT… who am I kidding… more than totally influenced my decision was… had to get in by hook or crook … Hooked and Crooked I did and got in… And along with me a certain person by the name of Mr. Neel Kuba got in…

Well what to say about Mr. Neel Kuba… the man is a legend!!!! Stories reach far and wide… people are terrorized … well mostly by his choice of movies… which according to him he chooses very very selectively… I agree it must be so difficult to choose the few good movies and after having done all that he chooses to go for all the movies EXCEPT for those… Once in a blue moon he did come along to watch a decent English movie and if he didn’t understand what the hell the movie was all about his famous verdict would be “ Ye Indian audience k liye nehi hai!!!” classic case was “Minority Report”

Neel Kuba the only man to have proudly and fearlessly announced in the kimaya in front of some 80 students that “There is nothing as love, it’s just attraction…and I have had 23 crushes in my first year”… A quote which well remembered and which in recent times have been voted as the most unquotable quote!!!

Legend has it that when Neel Kuba walked no one looked at him but when he stopped walking every eye turned towards him in wonderment and amazement that the dude has stopped walking but why the hell are his arms still moving!!! Yes it is the same Neel who danced for hours and hours in front of the mirror of steps which I am sure even his reflection in the mirror was ashamed of!!! Well mimicking his dance steps have bought me great fame in the West and in the East (Kolkatta.. Aditya’ s home) for which I am grateful to he who should not be named and heard!!!

A girl called Deepti had the audacity to once ask “Who is NEEL ?!?!?!!” When Neel was informed of this he calmly said… “ Yaar tumne galat sun liya hoga.. kahin usna HOW is NEEL to nehin kahaan?!?!?!?” (Which by the way was the only time we laughed along with him on his sense of humor) such was the wisdom of the great one!!!!

It is also rumored that he silently killed people with his shaiyaris and quotes … how many dead, or turned deaf or in the words of Alex Fergusson “BUGGER LOST IT!!!” is still to be confirmed….

Well so much for the great Neel Kuba… getting back to Futurama… Well I and Neel were in the sponsorship team… and within a month we had seen our share of ups and downs… but after a month we stuck GOLD… Or we stuck IMS.. And YES we did it… We had cracked the main sponsor… Kya chutiya kata tha mazaa aagaya… We promised them lots like they can have a seminar in the Amphi and the Amphi would be houseful which was some 600 odd students… the day of the seminar the amphi had 10 students all volunteers forcefully sent by us which did not even fill the first row and I was nowhere to be seen.. I ran for my life..

So when we cracked the main sponsor Neel gave himself 45% of the credit and me 55% of the credit for cracking it… (Such modesty and absurd Logic!!! But still ) we were on our way back to college and we were on our way to the psychology department when suddenly NEEL’s radar got activated and I don’t know how but somehow he spotted Pia Chandavarkar going to the kimaya !!! Now ok give it to Neel everyone agrees to the point that ya Pia was hot!!! So Neel was like let’s go to kimaya Pia is there... and he RRAAAANNNN!!!! Jesus Christ did he run!!! Quite like Tom Hanks in Forest Gump!!! And I kept walking so by the time I reach there I hear NEEL go to Pia and Mr.Moinak who was there with her (SO SURPRISING ISN’T IT ;) ) “Guess what we got the MAIN SPONSOR”…. Now Pia was a part of Futurama and she got damn excited… she was sitting down and she jumped up with her hands spread out as if to give a hug to Neel… Now Neel I am sure couldn’t believe his luck I am sure in his mind he must have been “chance chance ... lele..lele” and off course Moinak’s mind went “BASTARD … BASTARD”

So Pia jumped up with her hands spread wide and here NEEL spread his arms quite like Sharukh Khan ready for the incoming hug and then something happened … Suddenly Pia lowers both her arms and extends one arm to shake hands!!! So now the scene was Pia one arm extended to shake hands and Neel still with his hands spread out Sharukh Khan Style… (I cant stop laughing while I am typing this!!!!) And me and Moinak noticed what happened and we went hysterical.. we were rolling on the ground laughing …. Ladies and Gentlemen what sexy KLPD… Neel poor thing quite embarrassed by now lowered his arms and shook her hand and then he walked away… we followed to take his ass royally!!!!

All said and done I seriously do agree with Jatin when he says Neel is a champ… he truly is… Here is to NEEL!!! Cheers and we love you mate!!!


Iris said...

Oh my GOD !!!!!! I am in splits dude ! Abhik this is "MIND BOGGLING" Awesome I actually pictured all of it ............. just cant stop "LOFING" ....... this is brilliant read at work dude especially with ******* at work ! :)All that was SO NEEL!!!!!!!! :P
Love Shonai

Unknown said...

Brilliant read man... Cannot stop laughing... You seriously recount stuff well... Hope to see more of the same!!

P.S: Neel is a Legend!!

Neel Kuba said...

Yeah i know....kanpuriya saala...had that UPite instinct to play some politics....also had a dick...which occasionaly used to salute....but people I AM A CHANGED PERSON NOW....hang it true...really...LOL

Unknown said...

i couldnt stop laughing when i was reading this.
damn! id do anything to go back to the fergusson days!!